Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Little Known Corner Of The World Called Assam.

Hey guys how you people doing. Well let me tell you that recently my friend went on a trip to none other than India. And I can’t tell you how completely spellbound, fascinated and gripped he was by the experience. He even went on to say that the trip to India was one of the best trips that he has ever made. The variety that the country offers is simply mind-blowing. He just couldn’t wait to share his experience with me. And believe me ever since he got back and showed me his shopping, the chronicles and the pictures I just can’t wait to make a trip to the place. After looking at the stuffs that he got from the place I realized that it is truly said about India that it is a place with unity in diversity. Well, you have to see it to believe it.

My travel crazy friend however, made a special mention of a place called Assam. Assam is a small state in the northeastern side of India. It is one of the most backward states of India, shrouded by militancy and ruthless physical elements. I know these things must have scared you people. In fact my dear friend also got apprehensive of the visiting the place. But he gave in to his temptation, and today he does not regret. The place is fairly safe. And if you are a true blue traveler and you miss out on visiting the place and whole of the northeast then your trip to India is definitely not completely. The treat of flora and fauna that this place offers has to be seen to be believed. The people, the climate, the natural beauty, the wildlife, the clothes, the food and the list can go on, everything about the place is simply enthralling.

The place is abundant in rivers and tributaries among which a river called the Brahmaputra tops the list. Its in Brahmaputra that the world’s largest river island is located named Majuli. But the place is financially is not that well placed, and it is also facing the problem of erosion. Floods are a nagging problem to the people of this place. The constant erosion is also eating up the size of the island. There are pictures for you on the left of the blog.
Apart from having the distinction of having the largest river island the place also has a number of national parks, the most famous among them being the Kaziranga National Park the park is the habitat of the world famous one horned rhino. However, the tragedy is that today, the population of this “extinction facing” species is decreasing at a rapid speed; mainly because of poaching.
Apart from the one horned rhino the wet savanna grasslands of Kaziranga is habitat to a massive 500 species of birds, 39 types of reptiles including the endangered Gharial and the Assam roofed turtle and 52 mammalian species. It is also known as the home of the “Big Five”- elephant, rhinoceros, swamp deer, tiger, and wild buffalo.

A lot many endangered species are found in this exquisitely exotic place. In another national park, The Nameri National Park there is a species of birds called the White Winged Wood Duck which is acutely facing extinction with a mere 400 left in the world. Among the other national parks come the Orang National Park, the Manas Tiger Reserve and the Nameri Tiger reserve mostly housing the world famous species and the most beautiful- The Royal Bengal Tiger.

Well you needn’t wonder where to put up and stuff there are a number of resorts in the vicinity of the national parks. My travel freak friend put up at a resort called the Wild Grass and as he has a lot to do with the article that I am penning… sorry, that I am typing he insisted that I paste a picture of the resort too. I had no choice but to give in to his whim and you have none than to have a peek.
The article would be incomplete if you’re not given a sneak peak at the clothes and the jewellery of Assam. My crazy friend actually had a trip to the silk cultivation areas. There are primarily three types of silk cultivation in Assam Pat, Muga, and Endi. These silks are the ethnic dresses of Assam and are made from worms.

Last but not the least mention has to be made about the Assamese jewellery. The jewellery is more often than not made in gold and silver with ornamentation from ethnic Assamese stuff.
This is the picture of an Assamese bride. The jewellery that she wearing covers almost all the ethnic jewelleries of Assam.

The people in Assam are basically non vegetarians and they are especially fond of fish. Going by the huge water lands it is only natural that fish is almost like a staple in this beautiful state. Otherwise the people primarily have rice for lunch and dinner.

How can an article about Assam be complete without making a mention of the world famous Assam tea and the oilfields? The Digboi refinery is the oldest functioning refinery in the world. It is the second place in the world where oil was discovered. And there is a very interesting legend attached to the name of the place. The Britishers first doubted the presence of oil in Digboi when they found oil bubbling in the footsteps of the elephants. So the government thought of making an attempt and they dug on for oil. So there was a constant chant of “dig boy dig boy” and this is how the place got its name, Digboi. Today there are three refineries in the state, the Noonmati Refinery, the Digboi Refinery, and the Numaligarh Refinery.

The tea gardens present one of the most exquisite sights in the state. The drive down the tea gardens is something that my friend swears by.

The state also has a number of historical places; the Kareng Ghar and the Talatal Ghar to name a few to visit also including the famous Hindu temple the Kamakhya. The temple is that of a Hindu deity. One of the most important features of this temple is that of sacrifice.

So are you all set to make your next visit to this land? Well, I for one would definitely try to make it to Assam in my next trip. There is no trouble as far as conveyance is concerned. There are direct flights from New Delhi, the capital of India, to Guwahati, the capital of Assam. Once you reach Guwahati, it’s your wish whether you want to take a bus, train or private cars in order to travel to the various parts of the state. And there is also the option of flights to certain places in Assam. So that day might not be that far off when I write this blog sitting in a hotel room in Assam! Well, till then, it’s sayonara….

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Travel Smart In Order To Travel Safe!

Travel- whenever this word is uttered all the emotions that rush into the mind are very pleasant. Atleast, for travel freaks like me and all you people who are actually bearing with my so- called blog, travel signifies all that is wonderful in life. There are very few things in the world that can be as exciting and as filled with thrill and gusto as traveling. It shows a person the vagaries of life. Traveling helps one have a closer look at the cultures, traditions, foods, civilization, clothes of the other countries and places. However, it is very important to keep an eye on the major issues like safety, first aid, attitude of the locals towards the tourists etc, before touring a particular place. Otherwise there are fair chances of your dream tour getting into a nightmare.

Talking about exploring places, there are certain places that are over explored. They have been focused on so much that even without going to these places one has the feeling of visiting them in person. New York is an example. So for the travel enthusiasts, it becomes absolutely necessary that they go in search of the less traveled and at the same time exciting places. Well, money also comes into play. Hence, today people are going for places that are beautiful, fresh and at the same time easy on the pocket. Among all the countries that fit these priorities, South Africa and India tops the list. This is not my whimsical dictum. Not to worry. This is a result of all the pains that I took in surfing through the innumerable travel sites. The variety that these countries offer in terms of cultures, attires, religion, people and most importantly food, are enthralling and make them the ideal travel destinations.

However, as I said earlier, it is very important to go through the issues of safety and convenience before planning a tour. In the process of my browsing in order to have a sneak peak into the countries, I found that the features of both the countries are absolutely enthralling. They are infact the heavens for the ideal travel freak. But, hold on, hold on, there is something that I found that might make you have second thoughts about making a trip to these countries. What?!......@#$%^&. Well, I am not left with the energy to actually rewrite the article all over again. So I have used the best option available to me in the system. Yup! You’re right. I have copy pasted the article. But believe me inspite of the risks involved, one is tempted to make a tour to these countries. They actually deserve a try. Alright I am done for now. Will catch you people later. For now: Happy Traveling!

South Africa And India- Sisters In Sex Related Crimes!

Crimes against women consists a considerable percentage of the overall crimes committed in the world today. And it is not as if only the deprived or the low society women are sexually and physically assaulted. Even the highly successful women are not free from the lusty sights and deeds of men. The irony is that no matter how good a life a women carves for herself she cannot actually protect herself from the fact that she is a woman. She cannot safeguard herself from her own sexuality.

Obviously the crimes against women are at a hike in the less developed countries or the third world countries as we commonly refer to them as. South Africa has the highest rate of crimes against women and even otherwise the crime rate in this country is quite high. In fact there are certain crimes that actually South Africa introduced into the world. Sexual crimes are particularly steeping high in this otherwise "beautiful" country. Every 26 seconds a woman is raped and the victims are not just the poor or the blacks. Sexual assault of the girl child is one of the most common characteristics of this country and there are many groups who are involved in child pornography and various other pornographies. The crime rates against women are also rapidly rising in India and India is posing a serious threat to South Africa in terms of the crime against women rankings!

Incidentally in South Africa and India, the number of diseases, epidemics, and above all STDs are also very much prevalent. Infact the dangerous sexually transmitted disease AIDS is having the majority of its victims in South Africa and India. Besides Aids there is also a swell of other STDs because of the widespread crime against women. All the implementations, the rules and the regulations that are being made to get a grasp over the crime against women have been more on the paper and less in reality.

Nevertheless the increase in these kinds of crimes would only result in disaster. One thing that many people don't know is that random and irresponsible sex apart from increasing the chances of sexually transmitted diseases also increases the chance of developing impotence or erectile dysfunction in men. It has been found that erectile dysfunction can attack men who are in the habit of having sex with multiple partners. So rape and sexual molestation not only harms the woman but also the man. The only difference is that the man gets the diseases from his own doings and the woman becomes a victim for no fault of hers. Apart from the physical humiliation any woman who is raped also goes through a lot of physical and mental trauma, her sense of self worth is completely shattered. And many times she is completely devastated; many rape victims fail to recover from the trauma.
There is no medication that can reinstall a person's faith in oneself. But there are medications that can cure the physical bruises of rape and many of the STDs. Erectile dysfunction in men that can also crop up from casual sex can also be treated successfully today. But the medications of ED like the Viagra are very expensive and can be had only on medical prescription. One can order Viagra from anywhere and everywhere, yes you can buy Viagra online sitting anywhere in the world, from the online pharmacies, some of which even sell it at cheap rates. But even this cheap rate is quite exorbitant for the majority of the population in India and South Africa. Good for them, as easy accessibility to cheap Viagra or similar drugs can further increase such crimes in these countries. Now, we can say that ED is a punishment for all these wanton men for their shameful deeds!

The author writes a whole array of articles on the causes and consequences of erectile dysfunction, issues concerning the anti-impotency drug Viagra and altogether provides tips on how to procure Viagra online

Friday, November 2, 2007

Travel And ED Seems To Be Eternally Related!

Hi, people! You must be thinking that I must have disappeared into thin air, isn’t it? Well, here I am, proving all of you wrong. Now I think I have something going about this eerie and fearful disease called erectile dysfunction. Everytime I search the net for some good travel articles, all I end up with, is these scary ED articles. Well, I just decided to make my blog interesting. So I paste them for all you people to read. Just go through the latest one.

Erectile Dysfunction Stumbling The Development of Nations!

One thing that keeps a man and also a woman from having satisfying sex is the famous erectile dysfunction or impotence as people know it in common terms. The disease has been proved to attack around 98% of men. Hence most of the men experience the curse of ED at some points of their lives. Though erectile dysfunction doesn’t actually kill the reproductive capacities in a man yet it becomes very difficult for his sexual partner to conceive for the simple fact that ED handicaps a man from entering his organ into the lady, which is of utmost importance if the couple wants a baby, NATURALLY.
Nowadays there are various hopes for such people who are someway or the other incapable of having a baby on their own. We are not going to discuss these matters out here. What we are actually going to talk about is the above mentioned male sexual disease erectile dysfunction. ED is a very common disease as contrary to popular belief. People are with the conception that ED is a rare disease because the disease is less talked about. Anyways, people might be not aware of the fact that erectile dysfunction is one of the most fertile causes of having problems in conceiving. A substantial portion of the people is not able to conceive because of this nagging disease.

Now let’s discuss a matter that is slightly, different from the topic that we have so far been discussing. If you are discussed the question, what is the most important element for the development and growth of a nation? The answer that would come to everybody’s mind would be almost unanimous, it’s PEOPLE.

Human resources is one of the most important resources for the development of any country, in fact I would like to take the liberty and go a little further and say that it is the most important of all the other resources. It’s the human beings who can either destroy every resource that his country has been blessed with, or make his country progress in the little resources that it has. Let us take the example of the small country Japan. Japan is a country that is located in a highly risky area, geographically. It is located in the earthquake belt of the world. Many a times it has been wrecked by the earthquakes. Mention is not to be made about the atom bombs that nearly eradicated Nagasaki and Hiroshima from the world map. But today this country is one of the most developed countries of the world. Most of the electronic goods market has been captured by this small country. It is among the G-8 countries in the world. Thanks to the people of Japan who have made their country bear every jolt that it has received and made it stand tall among all the other powerful nations of the world. Today it is powerhouse itself. Now let us take the example of countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact all of the Middle East countries. They have been blessed with overflowing amount of the resource that is considered to be the father of all the other natural resources- OIL. Apart from it they are blessed with many other natural resources. But today everybody is aware of the condition of these countries. This is also a doing of the citizens of these countries.

Now all of you must be wondering how the hell is erectile dysfunction and development of a nation related. You must be thinking that you are going through the article of an amateur writer and thus wasting your time. But hold on a minute. I have said that the development of any nation is dependant on its people. But what if there are no people? Confused? Well, let me give you another hint. Erectile dysfunction is one of the primary causes that keep people from conceiving. Now got the connection? Yes, erectile dysfunction is actually keeping many regions from development because it is rapidly decreasing the rate of birth in these regions. Recently a region in Brazil was faced with this dilemma. So the Mayor of this region came up with a very bright idea. What he did was, he banned the sale of all the contraceptives and started offering the ED drug Viagra absolutely free of cost. But all you people who are not eligible for the free supply of Viagra can spend some bucks and solve your ED by ordering Viagra from the online pharmacies.

About the AuthorHelen Green is credited for penning a whole array of informative pieces, especially articles on erectile dysfunction, the primary male sexual disorder, the anti-impotency drug
Viagra and other sexual health related issues. For a peek into her write-ups, log in to buy-viagra-with-us.com

Monday, October 29, 2007

Just Go Through My Find!

New Zealand has recently been emerging as one of hottest tourist spots. I guess all you travel crazy folks must be knowing of it. Well it is a great place to hang around. It’s a perfect mix of the seas and the hills, the forests and the wilds, flora and fauna, commercialization and rural crudity, and lovely wine and beautiful WOMEN. Really tempting isn’t it? Well, talking of the kiwi women, look what I found in the net. I bet there will be many grandpas who will be raring to have a trip to New Zealand after reading this article. It’s for your sake all you old folks that I have given this article a space in my blog ahem, ahem. So what are you waiting for? Just go through the article and enjoy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ever Heard of Women Buying ED Drugs That Too For Strangers? Read This by Helen Green

Nowadays studies are conducted on almost anything and everything. There are studies on the most ridiculous of things. Some studies actually border on craziness. And most of the time we are not even aware of the organizations and firms who carry out these studies. The authenticity of these studies is another matter of dispute. But nevertheless, in the face of all the criticism and the short lived public memory, these surveys and the survey conductors do exist.

One such very strange and one of its kind studies that was conducted recently, came out with the result that the Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world. Now you must be thinking, how ridiculous can that be? Nothing can get weirder than this, isn't it? Well, the fact is that this study was actually conducted. But the details like who were the samples, what were the grounds on which the producers came to this conclusion are not apparent. And in case you are not aware of the meaning of the term promiscuous let me tell you that promiscuous means loose character, or wanton women.
This survey is one of its kind. And there are certain examples on the basis of which this conclusion has been derived that women in New Zealand are out for random sex. It has been said that the Kiwi women wander around in the nights targeting the- tourists. And the most surprising divulge is that their victims are not the young handsome hunks as one would decipher. These nocturnal women hunt for the old or middle aged man. Finding it strange? Well, read on. I bet you will find it stranger. These wanton Kiwi women are not prostitutes, going by the meaning of the term. They don't do it for money, but for mere fun.

These young ladies are not amateur in the full sense of the term, but very much well armed. Intrigued, by what I mean? I will explain. These ladies venture out fully prepared for a rough night. They not only carry condoms, drinks, and fags but also Viagra pill! Yes you saw it right. These ladies actually come prepared to go for men who are not actually hot or hunted. Pfizer Viagra to do the needful if just erotic clothes, and erotic talk, and erotic touch are not enough.
These ladies are often seen roaming about in the tourist friendly spots making the obvious signs that they are available. However, contrary to popular belief these ladies are not skimpily dressed. In fact they have a very typical hippie like attire with an alcohol mixer and cigarette that is believed to give the signals that they are meant to give.

The question that arises here is that, are these wanton examples enough to come to such a grave conclusion that Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world. The surveyors argue that prostitution is a different matter altogether but what can be said about women who are out in search for sex that too by making investments. Well, to purchase Viagra one needs to have money as it is an expensive drug. So buying Viagra and condoms can very well be termed as investments.

The bottom line is that nobody is sure as to how much truth is there in this survey, but there is no denying the fact that the story is interesting nevertheless!
About the Author
Helen Green is credited for penning a whole array of informative pieces, especially articles on erectile dysfunction, the primary male sexual disorder, the anti-impotency drug
Viagra and other sexual health related issues. For a peek into her write-ups, log in to buy-viagra-with-us.com

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Travel And ED Strange Combination Isn't It? Read On

Hello folks. Wanna know what my favourite pastime? Well, type the weirdest of key words in Google and see the amazing results of this absolutely wonderful search engine presents for you. yesterday after dinner I was just adding the strangest of all prefixes and suffixes to my favourite term TRAVEL, and see what i have come across. I bet you will find it interesting, just read on. I have pasted an article I found in the net.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Watch out! Tour to the third world countries can earn you ED.

Third world countries have always caught the attention of the whole of the human fraternity for diverse reasons. Be it for the problems like poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, illiteracy, inflation, higher crime rates, lack of hygiene, or population, these countries have always given food for thought for the so called “thinkers” of the world. But of late these countries have come into the world view once again, not for the negative reasons, but for a very creative and positive reason. And the reason is nothing other than travel and tourism.

Call it a co- incidence or a mishap, but most of the third world countries prove to be very popular travel destinations. India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal and most of the countries of Africa come under the division of the third world countries, and incidentally they also remain the all time favourite tourist spots ever.

Some of the main reasons behind the flocking of tourists to these destinations are that- firstly, traveling in these countries is comparatively cheaper. Secondly, for the people of the developed countries, visit to these places provide a very welcome change. Thirdly, the cultures of most of these countries are very much intact. They have not gone through much of a change. They are capable of maintaining their original freshness and rawness. This is something that is not very much to be found in the developed or the first world countries. Hence it is not surprising that tourism in the third world countries is booming big time.

The fact that the travel has become a money making industry in the third world countries is also a very heart warming fact. Poverty remains one of the main concerns of the third world countries. Hence through the field of travel and tourism if these countries successfully add some resources to the buffers of the country, there is nothing wrong in that.

However like the fact that a coin always has two sides, similarly to everything good and nice there is invariably a flip side. One very unconventional drawback of travel and tourism in the third world countries is casual sex and sometimes also rampant prostitution. As has been already mentioned in the beginning of the article, traveling in the third world countries is comparatively cheap. Sex, is also cheap in the third world countries, if one is out to buy sex. Prostitution is very rampant in the third world countries and as it is cheap, there are tourists who want to have a taste of it. There are also very rare cases when cupid strikes between people who meet beyond the geographical boundaries of their countries. Sometimes these flings develop into full fledged relations but more commonly these flings also end with the end of the vacations. But what these flings and also visits to the brothel can leave is a trail of diseases. Both mental and physical. The latter might include STDs and diseases like ED. This is also a reason why STDs like AIDS are so rampant in the third world countries. Again these STDs in the men can lead to ED also. ED is another ailment that is very much seen in the third world countries. And the third world countries are also not armed with the boon of the ED dugs like Levitra that are easily available in the developed countries. This is the irony of the whole situation that drugs like Levitra are actually not that easily available in the countries and in the social strata where they are really required.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Travel- Save This Term From Getting Monotonous.

The other day I was wondering why is it that we human beings like to take the oft treaded path only. Why is it that we fear to go out of the league? Why are we so scared of exploring? Why are we always satisfied in following the path that has already been determined? Definitely there are people who go out of the way to invent and discover things. Thanks to these people because of whose labour and efforts we are able to enjoy a better life in every possible way. And to be frank these are not just human but super human, not in the literal sense of course. But we the common man are always satisfied in doing what our fore fathers have been doing or what our fellow beings are doing.

Now you must be wondering why I have started a blog, of all things with this tone of reawakening. Well, actually I wanted to apply this logic to a much dislodged but nevertheless very existent topic. And the topic is that of travel. There are very few people who want to go out of the league and explore new travel sites. I don’t know about the others but in my family whenever a tour is planned, the places that are short listed or even thought of are always the same often talked about, famous, and traveled places. People are ready to make monotonous rounds to the travel agents, slog their butts of surfing for the best the best possible time, money, hotels, flights etc for a famous travel site. But they are really reluctant to do half the labour in spotting sites that are no doubt less traveled but nevertheless very appropriate to be a good holiday spot.

I know that numerous difficulties arise in going for paces that cannot be exactly termed as the hotshot tourist sites. For example their might be troubles in putting up, in conveyance, in communication etc. If you are with a family it would be no doubt wise if you drop the idea of going for a vacation in such places. These places are actually the hunting grounds for the more adventurous, rough kind of people. But for the families, many a times there are places that are well connected are provided with good putting up facilities, good food, good shopping outlets, and most importantly they provide a welcome change for your family from the monotonous routine of daily life. So what I am urging all of you to do is to hunt for such places. Nowadays the task is made much easier by the internet. So it is not after all necessary that every time you plan a vacation you sit down with a brochure for Goa or Kerela or Rajasthan or for that matter Scotland or New York or London. This world is flooded with numerous beautiful and elegant travel places that are within the human reach. It is a different matter that they might not be as well publicized or as lucky as Goa or Scotland. But this doesn’t mean that they remain in oblivion for ever. And what better if you are one of the firsts to discover that this particular place also exists. And believe me you can actually boost tourism for that place. How? Well, word of mouth publicity also works big time. I am not just preaching. This has actually happened to me. There is this place in the extreme eastern part of India, in the state of Assam, called Digboi. Digboi is the second place in the world after Pennsylvania where oil was discovered. Digboi also holds the distinction of having the world’s oldest refinery that is still operating. Apart from hosting oil fields and oil refinery, Digboi is also blessed with a lot of flora, lush green surroundings, and an environment that is still reminiscent of British presence. The golf courses, the tea gardens, the station clubs all make Digboi an ideal combination of modern civilization and a refreshing rural crudeness. But unfortunately this place is not a hotshot travel site. I happened to make a visit to Digboi after one my friends suggested me. Even he was not scheduled to go to Digboi. But the circumstances were such that he had to actually make a halt at this place. And you bet, he was exhilarated! He was only too eager to get back and he actually cajoled our entire group to make a visit to the place. And today all of us have visited Digboi and none of us are regretting and we even hope to visit it in the near future.

Now you get it. It is not always important to visit the so called tourist spots all the time. Make some effort and search for an unconventional site. These less famous spots are also very refreshing as they are not over exposed as the more famous travel sites are. So next time make an effort and visit a less known destination and do share your experience with me.

Take A Moment Out Of Your lives To Take A Note Of How Travel Was Like In The Earlier Times.

The other day I was surfing through the channels when a clip on the discovery channel happened to catch my attention. There was this program that was aired on the channel, and they were specially focusing on the ancient modes of travel and the aspects of travel in the ancient days. I found the program to be very interesting as most of the programs in the discovery channel are. It kind of kindled my imagination and I thought of putting down my thoughts and perceptions on the topic, not to the paper but to the internet. Now I am not a great writer, and leave alone great, I am not even a writer. So don’t accept any great insights on the blog. I am just blabbing my thoughts, views, and the incidents related to the topic.

Bullock carts and horse carts are two of the oldest modes of travelling. Traveling was more or less a kind of need in the earlier days. The modes of transportation were a big trouble in the earlier times. On top of that people had to actually travel miles at a stretch to procure the commodities that they need. Just imagine traveling for twenty days just to get some cotton for the clothes. Freaky isn’t it. You bet this is something unthinkable , at least in the current scheme of things? Now tell me, all of you must have heard your grandparents retell how plans were made for days together in order to make a visit to a relative’s place. Even the preparations to go to a relatives place used to be somewhat festive. Preparations used to go on for months altogether, right from the dates, the food that has to be carried as a sign of goodwill for the relatives, the gifts have to be decided so on and so forth.

So traveling was actually quite a serious business in the times of our grandparents and great grand parents. This conception is actually very novel to us, the current breed of people. And today, visits to relations are rarely seen as travel at all. We are with the conception that, traveling necessarily means visits to tourist spots or other adventurous activities like, trekking, surfing, bungee jumping so on and so forth. In fact visits to the familial relations are found to be very boring by the current crop of young generation. And in the hustle and bustle of the present world people are actually left with very less time to make cordial visits to the relations. Any spare time is spent with family and friends or in some exotic locale.

Earlier however, this conception was not even born. Traveling necessarily meant visits to family and relations. And there was proper planning for the same. But the worst part in traveling in the earlier days was that it was really time taking and pain staking. Even if we don’t go to the ancient ages, and take the case of around 1century back, travel used to take days altogether. If a person wanted to travel from one country to another there was no other alternative other than the sea. In case of intra country travel it was most of the time roadways or water ways. And even in roadways most of the time it was most of the time carts and very rarely cars and buses. All the nooks and corners of all the places in the world were not accessible to the rail network in those days. Hence it was a case of great fortune if your hometown and your destination are connected by the railways. In short, travel was more of an ordeal than fun. At least the journey to the destination and the journey back were tortures in real terms. People used to take days to wash of the fatigue and tiredness that their travel left them with. But then people were not complaining. For them that was fun that we today find to be absolute pain in the butt. We never know what our grandchildren would be thinking of our conception regarding travel. Changes are bound to occur. We can only pray that we don’t turn out to be as outmoded as our fore fathers turned out to be.

Shopping And Traveling Actually Goes Hand In Hand.

Now before I start off with my documentation, that is what I prefer to call my babbling that is going to follow, I would like to know what your take is on the all time favourite pastime of traveling. Well I think it can be really fun, rejuvenating, entertaining and really tasking on your wallet, especially if you happen to be a male and you are traveling with your spouse. All you males must be grinning in delight that you after all have a supporter for your views. Well, let me tell you that I am a female. Yes, you saw it right. And before all you adoring females smash the screen, let’s face it that nothing enthralls us more than a handful of shopping bags. Yes there are certainly differences in the kind of shopping that women like to indulge into. But shopping remains one of the most important hobbies of women and it serves to be one of the favourite add ons with travel.

Shopping can really be fun in completely new locales. Every place has a specialty and uniqueness of its own. This uniqueness and the specialties can be seen in each and every aspect of that particular locale. In its clothes, furniture, food, antiques, so on and so forth. These commodities prove to be the favourite shopping articles for the tourists, especially the women tourists. They prove to be major temptations for me atleast. Traveling is like handicapped without the pleasures of shopping.
I think most of my female readers would agree if I say that shopping for apparels is a pleasure in itself. It is something that can acquire my undivided attention at any given point of time. But I must admit that I am not selfish while shopping for clothes. I love shopping clothes for anybody and they don’t necessarily be my clothes. I am a true blue shopaholic in terms of shopping for shopping clothes. Money ceases to be a matter of concern for me while I am shopping for clothes. It has happened quite a lot of times when I am not left with cash for spending the last few days of the month but have accumulated clothes to wear in the whole of the next month! In fact I actually hope to have a different piece of clothing for every day of my life…..err…..at least for one month. That’s the minimum I can wish for isn’t it?

I must also admit that I am a very impulsive shopper in case of shopping for clothes. And if I am out on a vacation to a tourist spot, then I feel it is my unstated right to be impulsive. After all there must be an outlet to indulge ourselves as much as we can without any botherations and what more an appropriate occasion than a vacation, that to a new locale.

So if you happen to be a “clothes shopaholic” like me then the next time you happen to be on a vacation just free yourself and make yourself feel all the more better by indulging in a thoughtless kind of shopping ( NB: wallet of somebody else is preferred). I can assure you that you will be feeling quite better and rejuvenated on returning. But make sure that you don’t get thoughtless to the point of getting bankrupt! Just try out this recipe of rejuvenation and DO let me know of your thoughts, perceptions, and feelings (and also the one’s who was funding your thoughtless shopping).