Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ever Heard of Women Buying ED Drugs That Too For Strangers? Read This by Helen Green

Nowadays studies are conducted on almost anything and everything. There are studies on the most ridiculous of things. Some studies actually border on craziness. And most of the time we are not even aware of the organizations and firms who carry out these studies. The authenticity of these studies is another matter of dispute. But nevertheless, in the face of all the criticism and the short lived public memory, these surveys and the survey conductors do exist.

One such very strange and one of its kind studies that was conducted recently, came out with the result that the Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world. Now you must be thinking, how ridiculous can that be? Nothing can get weirder than this, isn't it? Well, the fact is that this study was actually conducted. But the details like who were the samples, what were the grounds on which the producers came to this conclusion are not apparent. And in case you are not aware of the meaning of the term promiscuous let me tell you that promiscuous means loose character, or wanton women.
This survey is one of its kind. And there are certain examples on the basis of which this conclusion has been derived that women in New Zealand are out for random sex. It has been said that the Kiwi women wander around in the nights targeting the- tourists. And the most surprising divulge is that their victims are not the young handsome hunks as one would decipher. These nocturnal women hunt for the old or middle aged man. Finding it strange? Well, read on. I bet you will find it stranger. These wanton Kiwi women are not prostitutes, going by the meaning of the term. They don't do it for money, but for mere fun.

These young ladies are not amateur in the full sense of the term, but very much well armed. Intrigued, by what I mean? I will explain. These ladies venture out fully prepared for a rough night. They not only carry condoms, drinks, and fags but also Viagra pill! Yes you saw it right. These ladies actually come prepared to go for men who are not actually hot or hunted. Pfizer Viagra to do the needful if just erotic clothes, and erotic talk, and erotic touch are not enough.
These ladies are often seen roaming about in the tourist friendly spots making the obvious signs that they are available. However, contrary to popular belief these ladies are not skimpily dressed. In fact they have a very typical hippie like attire with an alcohol mixer and cigarette that is believed to give the signals that they are meant to give.

The question that arises here is that, are these wanton examples enough to come to such a grave conclusion that Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world. The surveyors argue that prostitution is a different matter altogether but what can be said about women who are out in search for sex that too by making investments. Well, to purchase Viagra one needs to have money as it is an expensive drug. So buying Viagra and condoms can very well be termed as investments.

The bottom line is that nobody is sure as to how much truth is there in this survey, but there is no denying the fact that the story is interesting nevertheless!
About the Author
Helen Green is credited for penning a whole array of informative pieces, especially articles on erectile dysfunction, the primary male sexual disorder, the anti-impotency drug
Viagra and other sexual health related issues. For a peek into her write-ups, log in to

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